Get fully-equipped facilities for every kitchen in all Dapura locations for tenants and brands to start their business in Cloud Kitchen.
Open new branches in strategic locations to reach a wider market at an affordable cost.
Our team will assist you with everything from registration to profile optimization on delivery platforms, social media promotion, and food reviews by influencers for each of our tenants.
In the Kitchen, you can develop/expand your culinary business in strategic locations with low-cost business expansion.
You can start with small budget and expand efficiently to reach more market.
With Dapura, you save so much on overhead costs. You don’t need client-facing staff.
Daily Box
Nasi Ayam Ori
Jatinangor House
General Manager
Innovative cloud kitchen concept, cool industrial space design, solution for beginner businessmen with a low budget
Juice Aye
Dapura kitchen, apart from helping us start a business with relatively small capital, they also provide access to reach our target market
Ayam Goreng Lemoe
Do kitchen residents want to know how to expand the food business the fastest? Many food businesses have emerged during
Kitchen residents, want to know the popular cloud kitchen models? For those of you Dapura residents who have read the
The month of fasting is getting closer and the residents of Dapura are confused about how to keep the spirit