
Dapura is a Real Estate service company, focused on helping F&B business owners to start and expand their business to the next level by renting out a customised commercial kitchen space.

Dapura helps Local F&B Business to market their products online by providing marketing and branding strategies to reach a broader audience and get more targets.

Our Vision

"Helping F&B entrepreneurs to start and expand their business in an inclusive and sustainable ecosystem and Dapura aspire to become the best and biggest flex-kitchen pioneer in Indonesia."

Our Mission

  1. Provide solutions for F&B Business Owners to start and develop business with limited fund
  2. Become the one stop solution for F&B Business Owners by providing  the best services, marketing solutions and kitchen facilities. 
  3. Provide a strategic business location point and supportive community
  4. Provide raw ingredients and equipments for F&B Business Owners
  5. Helping the Indonesian economy by providing easier access for local businesses to grow
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